Underwater Photo in Bali

We offer a range of services to cater to your underwater photography needs:

  • Private spotter diving
  • Beginner to advanced photo classes
  • Customized safari organization

Are you having trouble capturing the perfect underwater shot?

Do you feel frustrated when you can’t spend enough time on your subjects? Are you tired of fast-paced dives where you must give up on great image opportunities?

Our solution is to provide you with a private spotter who will accompany you on your dive. With our spotters, you’ll be free to make the best shots without worrying about your buddy being frustrated. Our spotters will ensure that you’re in the best condition to take amazing underwater pictures.

Focus on your pictures

Improve your technique

Do you want to see it all

Dive with your private spotter:

Enroll in a Photography Course:

Take all the time you need to create the best images. Don’t miss any critter with your hawk-eye spotter. Dive safely and at your own pace.

You will enjoy your dives like ever before

Enhance your underwater photography skills with a personalized course tailored to your specific interests. Our private courses range from one to five days and are suitable for all levels of experience.

Experience the best of Bali’s diving spots with our Photo safari. We take care of all the details, from dives, transfers, and accommodation, to optional land excursions on your non-diving days.

Underwater Photography in Bali
Diving Safari Bali

Underwater Photo Courses

beginner underwater photo course

Get Started

You just got a camera and want to make the best out of it? If you're interested in a UW photo but don't have gear yet. We can help you with a day course.

Refresh underwater photo skills


If you haven't taken an underwater photo in a long time, and want to get ready for your holiday. Take the 1-day refresher course. You'll be ready for your dives in Bali.

Zero to hero underwater photo course

Zero to Hero

If you like to learn new things on your holiday, consider our 5-day course. You will learn new techniques and dive on the best dive sites around Amed and Tulamben.

Here is what our guests think about us